Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Rick Ross....the Boss??

ok so i don't get it...do you have to have bullet wounds and a record to be qualified as a rapper? i guess these days, you do.

i was listening to donnie simpson this morning and he was talking about how rick ross' background was clean and how he used to be a correctional officer. when he announced that, callers called in and the other people on the morning show were trying to clown him. i mean really, what is the big deal? so he raps about dealing weight and doing this and that but is that not what being an artist is about? creating an image/story for listeners and then delivering it? maybe its me but i don't see the problem. granted, he raps about what he hasn't been through but why not criticize authors of novels and authors of editorials? those who write novels haven't been through all they write about and clearly writing an editorial is speaking on something you don't know about. yes, its your opinion, but why bother if you haven't been through it?

does anybody feel me....?

now that we know the real rick ross, is his credibility shot? are you not going to buy his albums as a result? i wanna know.....


Uncle Fizzle said...

Idk, smopp~whit, I'mma have to co-sign w/ the masses on this one. I'm cool w/ folks havin a background thats not crime=ridden, but I can't support somebody rappin about movin weight when they aint neva done it forreal. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure a HUGE percentage of the cats in the industry now aint do 80% of what they rap about, but in reality, Ross was a BOSS.....over criminals! He's like the anti-thesis of what he is rappin about (more or less).

To me, you can't get faker than that. Rick Ross need to go back to fightin crime and he should start wit that mopp-@$$ Ace Hood. Yeah I called him out, Stand up, ACE HOOD! Lolz

Anonymous said...

Although you make a valid point I don't think you went far enough. In your statement, "granted, he raps about what he hasn't been through but why not criticizes authors of novels and authors...." If you're going to compare rappers to authors which is great comparison, then you have to look at what type of author/writer we’re discussing? Perfect example is James Frey. The writer who Oprah claims "conned us all". He wrote an inspirational book that was only inspirational as long as it was deemed a "true story". Turned out the book did a little embellishing and therefore lost some of it's creditability as being inspirational. Same goes for rappers. They write with the intention of being autobiographical, and even follow-up their rap songs by saying “I’m just keepin it real". Although we like to hear the Scarface stories told in rap, there is also some level of authenticity that we expect (Mostly because that is what the rapper would have us believe). For some reason, it makes the song a little more meaningful to us; But when we find out the story is based on fiction and not fact, it loses some of its meaning. Consequently, so does the artist because he swore to us that he was keeping it real-now we feel lied too. Imagine how that feels to the kid, to the hustler, to rap listener/fan. Imagine how it felt when you found out someone you liked and/or respected lied to you.

Interesting topic - keep up the good work

Nic said...

i see your point prentice and i do agree. maybe i didn't go far enough. i still stand behind my statement however, you made me see a different side. to be in the shoes of a hustler, or a kid who really looks to rap artists as an icon/role model...i really didn't take that whole other side into consideration. i was too wrapped up in what i thought seemed to be misguided blame. but you make a valid point....thanks for the eye opener.

Kennie said...

He def loss the hood credibility, but his song 'Hustlin' resonates with anybody that has job. That song will make you get up in the morning and go to your job even if its BS!

So who cares about his past. Most of these rappers lie in their rhymes anyways just to sell records. Don't blame the rapper for trying eat, blame the record companies that promote that 'gansta' image.