there are a lot of things i do daily. read my daily bread, write, tell my family and friends i love them, pray. i also have a bunch of sayings and quotes that i like to look at here and there. im sure if u know me well, i have said at least one of these quotes to you. lol. if not, here ya go.
these quotes keep me sane, it helps me grow....so, here are a few of my fav quotes. i like them for different reasons. their from movies, friends, family, books, just all over. maybe one will help you or make sense to you. feel free to borrow, lol...peace.
"what God has for me is for me."
"thrive in the moment."
"the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
"life is about forward movement; innovate and move forward."
"in order to be irreplaceable, one must be different."
"fashion passes, style remains."
"same thing that makes you laugh, can make you cry."
"love is what you make it."
"trust is the most important element in a relationship; love doesn't care about it."