so it's my first entry...and i feel like getting thoughts out so, here goes....
today was weird; i woke up feeling pretty good. but then within 10minutes of my awakening, i get a text message that baltimore's own DJ K-Swift passed away. needless to say i was shocked. i mean, i just heard her on the radio a few days ago...i thought it was a rumor. but as i read into it and heard more, i came to the conclusion that it was indeed true. although i didn't know her personally, i felt that i was/am apart of her extended family....just as the rest of the baltimore community. she was young, talented and very good at her craft. and for her life to end seemingly so suddenly made my heart heavy. so i said a prayer for her family, contacted a few of my friends and solemnly went about my day....all was well and then bam. i am on the phone with my mother and she tells me my a friend of the family, who was just like an aunt to me, had passed. she was given a week to live, but she made it to 2 weeks. she was truly a fighter. however the sad part is that she passed away on one of her daughters birthdays. sigh....
it just seems like these days, people, young and old, are dying and leaving the world so suddenly. and although i know death is apart of life, its getting to be too much. within 2 years, i have lost countless relatives, friends, acquaintances and it seems like the circles (families, friends) are getting smaller and smaller. its just a lot to take i guess and because i am so young and i see people my age, and even younger, dying it makes me stop and think.....
we've all heard it before and we've probably all said it but, life is short. make the most of it...be with who makes you happy, do what makes you happy and live in the moment. don't live life with regrets or live life grudgingly...it's not worth it. incidents like these make me appreciate my life and the life of those i love so much more. i make it a point to tell them everyday i love them...because i don't ever want to say, "i wish i would've..."
i end with my mantra; "LIVE....LAUGH....LOVE...."
girl i luv ur spirit and tone, continue in all things positive
Awww Whit...everyTHANG is gonna be alriiiight!! My prayers go to you & your family for your loss...keep your head up mama!
Inspiring first post. Just remember our bodies are confined to finite space whereas our spirits rest in eternity. Refreshing news for any Christian. Be blessed.
Smopp~Whit, good to see your penchant for conveying your thoughts clearly and emotionally hasn't faded over the years. I send you my positive energy and the faith that I also respected and admired how strong of a person you are and that I know you will continue to increase your sphere of influence & circle of friends.
R.I.P. K-Swift
crap, so I should've proof-read my comment, but you get where i'm coming from, lol.
People really take life for granted, no one is promised tomorrow, which is why the time you have should be used to achieve the best. Sorry for your loss but things will get better.
its crazy how we r bred to live born to die but that time in between is what u must make the most meaningful . a purpose driven Godly life is what we all should strive for and events like death just magnify that perspective. i feel where u coming from sis and its truly heartfelt. keep ur spirits high and those around u can't help but notice
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